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Earlier tonight, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivered her fifth State of the State address, the first of her second term and the first since the Democratic Party secured majorities in the Michigan House of Representatives and the Michigan Senate.

ASPIRE grants provide funding to assess, improve college-going culture in schools

Program offers advanced training in leadership, advocacy for Michigan school counselors

College access champions from across the state recognized at MCAN’s 11th annual conference

Upper Peninsula superintendent brings rural perspective, K-12 experience to MCAN leadership

Funds will support college preparation programs at two Detroit organizations

MCAN kicked off Michigan College Month on Oct. 1, with 233 schools and community-based organizations participating statewide. The goal of this month is to provide every graduating senior in Michigan the opportunity to apply to college.

Legislators passed the $560 million scholarship program, marking a historic investment in addressing the barrier of college affordability in Michigan.

MCAN is encouraged by the announcement of President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan and the progress that it makes in addressing the persistent and widespread problem of postsecondary affordability.

Funds will support College Completion Corps coaches at Michigan’s three tribal colleges