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Budget proposal for the 2023 fiscal year invests in students, educators and educational institutions

Michigan-based family foundation increases grant to MCAN in second year of funding

Collaborative program with San Diego State University provides training in postsecondary attainment

Organization also seeking third VISTA to help sustain MI ECHO Scholarship program

Grant funding will be used to establish community network for postsecondary access work

On Sept. 21, Gov. Whitmer and Michigan’s Legislature came together to announce a $70 million, bipartisan budget for Fiscal Year 2022. Gov. Whitmer will sign the budget into law before Oct. 1.

National campaign encourages students to apply for college by supporting local application completion events

Funds will be used to create professional development videos encouraging college enrollment

Funds will be dedicated to network expansion and improved data collection

Four Michigan high schools receive funding for continued college access efforts