High School Innovation Grants
MCAN is excited to continue offering grant funds to support high schools focused on changing systems that perpetuate inequity in postsecondary pathways. High schools are eligible to apply for a three-year, $25,000 High School Innovation Grant series. This series is meant to equip schools with the tools necessary to complete subsequent cycles of the grant process independently, beyond the first three years of participation.
This application period is closed. Applications for the next cohort will open later this year.
The High School Innovation Grant series is a three-stage process — Aspire, Activate, Align — that aims to enhance and sustain school postsecondary practices and systems that will lead to collective impact.
The goal is to change systems that perpetuate inequity in postsecondary pathways by equipping schools with the tools and support necessary to build, enhance, and sustain school-wide systems.
During this experience, schools can expect to:
- Reflect and interrogate current school systems and practices.
- Build strong, collaborative school- or district-wide team focused on postsecondary education access and success.
- Develop sustainable, systems-wide plans to accelerate progress towards Sixty by 30.
- Create and sustain internal data infrastructure to consistently track, monitor, and respond to student trends.
- Collaborate with other high schools across Michigan.
Throughout this process schools should create:
- A collaborative postsecondary advisory committee who meets regularly to set, review and adjust goals and plans.
- Explicit postsecondary goals and benchmarks tied to school’s continuous improvement plan.
- A theory of action and comprehensive postsecondary plan.
- Increase in school-specific benchmarks and metrics.
Stages of the High School Innovation Grant — Aspire, Activate, Align
Stage I — Aspire
Estimated length: 4-6 months
Funding: $5,000
- Build a strong, collaborative school or district-wide team focused on postsecondary education access and success
- Reflect and interrogate current school systems and practices
- Engage in College Bound Michigan events
- Determine challenge areas and develop a plan aligned to theory of action
Stage II — Activate
Estimated length: 12-18 months
Funding: $10,000
- Develop sustainable, systems-wide plans to accelerate progress toward Sixty by 30
- Engage in College Bound Michigan events
- Create and sustain internal data infrastructure to consistently track, monitor, and respond to student trends
- Communicate and request feedback of plan from key stakeholders
Stage III — Align
Estimated Length: 6-12 months
Funding: $10,000
- Present at conference
- Engage in College Bound Michigan events
- Engage greater community in the mission (LCAN)
- Sustain best practices
Contact Cheyenne Peters, strategy manager for high school innovation.