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Become a School Counselor Fellow

As advocates of college access, we know that school counselors are of vital importance in helping students make postsecondary education plans. We have designed this fellowship to be student-centric but also to uplift the counselors across the state. School counselors who participate in this fellowship will hone their leadership skills and continue to advocate for the students in their building, district, and community.

Co-led by CEPA and MCAN, fellows will:

  • Receive training in equity-driven leadership and advocacy.
  • Use data-supported, evidence-based research to align the college-going culture in their community.
  • Advocacy development and training with an opportunity to meet with state legislators during MCAN’s College Access Advocacy Day.
  • Network with school counselors from across the state, local organizations, content area experts, and National School Counselor Fellows.
  • Attend in- and out-of-state conferences for further professional development on college access, leadership, and advocacy.

At the end of the two years, counselors will have created an advocacy project that can be directly applied to their school community as it relates to college access.

Selected fellows agree to:

  • Make a two-year fellowship commitment
  • Attend quarterly in-person School Counselor Fellows meetings
  • Complete monthly assignments, readings, and reflections — about 3 hours/month
  • Design and complete an advocacy project related to a college access or success issue
  • Provide feedback and recommendations for the fellowship process



The application for the 2024-2026 cohort of School Counselor Fellows is open until August 31, 2024. Applicants will be notified of their status early Fall 2024.

Apply now →

If you have questions about the School Counselor Fellows program, contact Jeneen Hatoum, director of high school innovation.
