College adviser Stephanie Sustaita writes about the importance of the Michigan College Cash Campaign and her challenges and successes with the initiative while serving in the AdviseMI program at Lakeville Memorial High School.
MCAN already has ambitious plans for 2020, but first we'd like to pause and reflect on our top 19 college access and attainment successes that happened in the last year.
Being a first-year adviser can be extremely tough and exhausting. This is especially true when there are large shoes to fill. The adviser who preceded me broke many barriers in an effort to increase college access in the local community.
My father entered the United States nearly four decades ago as an undocumented immigrant. For many years, he traveled between states to find work so that he was able to provide for his nine siblings and parents back in Mexico.
The advisers are trained to help students navigate the complex college exploration process, retake college admissions tests, apply to colleges that are a good match/fit, complete the FAFSA, secure financial aid, and matriculate to college.
As a first-generation college student, I didn’t know how to prepare or what to expect, and my first year in school was rough. I wasn’t emotionally prepared for the transition of living away from home. I felt lost at times.
The CPRS advisory board is comprised of well-respected national scholars, practitioners, and leaders who all promote strategies to increase equitable postsecondary preparation, access, and completion.
The advisers are trained to help students navigate the complex college exploration process, retake college admissions tests, apply to colleges that are a good match/fit, complete the FAFSA, secure financial aid, and matriculate to college.
In the pursuit of increasing the quality of life for our communities, we recognize the importance of key metrics identified by the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) that are also supported by a wealth of economic and social research.
I’m a former teacher and school administrator, Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, Michigan State Representative, and now a proud member of my local LCAN, the Genesee County College Access Network.